Sunday, June 29, 2008
PD Staff Overnighter
I enjoyed teaching Bible devotions this past week. They not as bad as I imagined they could be! So praise God for that encouragement and his enabling me to serve in this way so far. One theme we've latched onto is the mandate we have to be servants to God, our team, and others without ego, judgmentalism, or desire for recognition; but rather with love, honor, truth, and grace.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The End/ Beginning
A poignant moment: sitting down with a student I had taught four years ago, who had moved away and wanted to transfer back, and who was now telling me his desire to be a trial lawyer. It reminded me of what successful young men and women some of them will grow to be. But then I thought of the ones that had withered under my watch... some to jail, some to pregnancy, some to drugs and gangs... What will become of them? When you look at the people your students will become, some of the things you stressed them out about during class seem so pointless. And in the light of eternity, some things are even more meaningless
Then I was done. I shook many hands. As I rode my bike down the street for the last time, students waved goodbye and I waved back. And that was it.
Meanwhile, today was the start of PD training. The directors got up at 5AM to get ready. This was, though, a relatively laid back day with lighter training. Praise God for him starting to integrate the team into one, as relationships are forming and tightening.
One mistake: I forgot to a save a meal for one counselor who was out for a while. How sad to come back and not have a meal waiting for you! I made him a grilled turkey sandwich instead.
Please pray for me... I clearly can't direct this camp; but God doesn't call the equipped, he equips those he calls. So I have faith that he'll do the same to me so that I can serve him better.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ministry Position
PD Starting!
Just shooting out a quick prayer request-- Project Destiny's Training Week is beginning tomorrow (6/23) -- actually, today. If you get to read this, would you please shoot a quick prayer for me and for the rest of the planning team? The assistant directors and I got to pray tonight-- a much needed time of confessing our inadequacy and asking the Lord to make us wiser than we are with his wisdom.
- Please pray for good use of time as I try to wrap up school grades and try to run training at the same time.
- Pray for God to be preparing our staff members well with skill, love, grace, and unity.
- Pray for unity and the building of a relationship between the assistant directors and myself.
- Pray for sensitivity and wisdom for the directors to care for other staff-members.
- Pray for my devotionals this week as I lead the staff team in meeting God every morning.
- Pray for my own time with God-- that it would not be neglected.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Moving Out and Camping Tonight
On another note, I'm going camping tonight with 20 middle schoolers and a handful of adults as an end-of-the-year event for TWR, our youth group. Weather might be bad, but pray for relationships to be strengthened and for the Gospel to hit home as I give a devotional in the morning.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Biblical Foundations for Support Raising
WARNING: Not a terribly interesting post, but it might help some people who are in the middle of fund raising.
It is humbling to ask people for money. I avoid it if I can. However, recently, I've had to ask friends and family members to support me in two different ways: Project Destiny and the Partnership Program for Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I sent out 63 support letters for Project Destiny and I have been contacting individuals about Gordon-Conwell. It has been amazing to see how folks have responded in generosity-- and even more amazing to realize how God is providing a way forward on a trail that he has blazed.
I've gotten a chance to think a bit about the biblical foundations for fundraising lately:
My understanding of Christian support-building is that the Church is one body whose purpose is to glorify Christ in this world and to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed, especially to those who do not know it. To live this out, members of the Church should see their own lives and possessions with an Acts 2 mentality: sharing everything in common, devoting to prayer, and supplying for one another’s needs. To those who have Christ in common, the Gospel is of immense worth, and its a joy to participate in its advance.
Because of this, I can boldly ask—knowing that, while I am asking people to help me, I am also offering an opportunity to partner for the sake of Christ and for the spread of the Gospel. The Apostle Paul himself offered this idea in his letter to the Philippians: “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.” In other words, the opportunity to give is also a ministry to the giver by offering them a chance to have this attitude in Christ. The result is a double-blessing for all involved: the joy of partnering in life-transforming Gospel work and the blessing of being connected to others in supporting or being supported.
While I may boldly ask, I may not expect anyone to give—I may not coerce, manipulate, or guilt anyone to contribute or pray for me. The Apostle Paul wrote, in the second letter to the Corinthians, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” I believe that the end will not justify the means—that each “means” is also an “end” in itself. One goal of partnership ministry, besides the “end goal” of supporting a ministry, is to provide opportunities for and to cultivate the “cheerful giver.” Any practice that short-changes this aspect of support-raising is unbiblical and may, in fact, be the manifestation of unbelief in the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of potential partners.
In any case... I hope this helps you if you find yourself in a situation similar to mine where you have to fund raise for the Gospel.