It seems every year, kids get younger and younger. This past Friday, in youth group, the change was almost shocking. I knew that we would have a much younger group of middle-schoolers, especially with the addition of 6th graders this year; but as I looked out at the crowd of little kids, I wondered, how do you teach and counsel kids this age? Will they sit and listen to a sermon? What can we talk about in our small group time? How do you bond with them?
As my 9th graders moved onto 10th grade and out of the realm of my specific Friday night ministry, I realized that I had the same questions at the beginning of last year about them. I wasn't sure if anything was happening, until pretty recently, when we started having sleepovers and more outside hangout time. They have recently evolved into a group that cares more for one another and prays for each other, sometimes. It's sad to see them go, yet they serve as a reminder to me of how these groups grow and change. Praise God for the work He has done in them!
I wonder, sometimes, if my abilities are best suited for this age group. I started off as a counselor for older teens, and in many ways, it is where I still feel most comfortable. Still, for the time being, the Lord has put me here, and I'll joyfully wait and see what He has in store-- the divine appointments, the relationships, and personal growth. Definitely, I'll be stretched in patience, in learning to care for younger kids, and in learning how to teach them. It looks like I've got 6 talks scheduled in the fall and winter, covering the book of acts.
Meanwhile, I'm really excited that God is bringing lots of new visitors and potential counselors. He's answering prayers for more youth workers, which we prayed for 6 months ago!