At one point, a mistake occurred that appeared irredeemable. My hair was contoured with locks of hair on the back of my head much shorter than the hair on the side of my head! I was ready to shave it all off... but with expert craftsmanship, my new favorite hair-stylist fixed it. It strikes me that, Biblically and in my own experience, just when you think you're done, God is just getting started. He is the master hair-stylist... or potter. (no, emily didn't take her hair off and put it on mine, so that she had bad hair and I had good hair... this is not an illustration of substitutionary atonement!)
p.s. this is not a subtle plea for financial support... really, it's not!
you know you could just shave your head...takes like 10 minutes.
I love the last picture. You two are SO CUTE!
i like the... portable DVD player in the first picture? i'm actually not sure what that is.
I guess I could shave my head... but my head has a weird shape. I tried when I was in middle school.
Thanks Jess... so is that popsicle you're holding.
The "DVD Player" is actually an i-pod portable video player, which P. Enoch donated to the cause recently. It has served me well... think of the possibilities: listening to sermons in the shower, watching episodes of 24 while on the John, etc.
are you sure that's a popsicle, steve? it looks like a corndog to me. and oh... your reply comment to jerry is bordering on tmi.
For the record-- I have never actually watched an episode or any other show in an unexpected place. I was merely conjecturing on the possibilities that spring from a piece of technology.
i like your shirt
Thanks, Jeff. I like my shirt too.. it's fading though. Just like the 2004 victory...and 2007 victory.
shave shave shave shave shave!
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