Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Five Weeks

I counted today-- because there was a school calendar mysteriously sitting on my desk, and because I am proctoring an MCAS today (which, for everyone's information, I have just hypocritically and horribly botched, after years of being the spokeman for correct MCAS procedures).

There are 5 weeks left.
5 weeks until there will be no more grading.
5 weeks left until there will be no more lessons to prep.
5 weeks left until I no longer climb up 8 flights of stairs, 3 times a day.
5 weeks left until my students can go home and unleash their pent up urges to explode.

It's also 5 more weeks until I pack up the accumulated relics of my four-year teaching practice.
5 more weeks until my association with JQUS ends.
5 weeks until I will no longer see the students who have been the focus of so many waking (and sleeping) thoughts over the past few years.
5 more weeks until my teaching career ends, like a train coasting to a stop at the end of a trans-continental track.

5 more weeks.

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