Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The End/ Beginning

This was the last day of my teaching career at JQUS. I'm still processing and am not sure how I feel about it. I'm glad I got to share the gospel and have conversations about faith with three friends and colleagues before I left.

A poignant moment: sitting down with a student I had taught four years ago, who had moved away and wanted to transfer back, and who was now telling me his desire to be a trial lawyer. It reminded me of what successful young men and women some of them will grow to be. But then I thought of the ones that had withered under my watch... some to jail, some to pregnancy, some to drugs and gangs... What will become of them? When you look at the people your students will become, some of the things you stressed them out about during class seem so pointless. And in the light of eternity, some things are even more meaningless

Then I was done. I shook many hands. As I rode my bike down the street for the last time, students waved goodbye and I waved back. And that was it.

Meanwhile, today was the start of PD training. The directors got up at 5AM to get ready. This was, though, a relatively laid back day with lighter training. Praise God for him starting to integrate the team into one, as relationships are forming and tightening.

One mistake: I forgot to a save a meal for one counselor who was out for a while. How sad to come back and not have a meal waiting for you! I made him a grilled turkey sandwich instead.

Please pray for me... I clearly can't direct this camp; but God doesn't call the equipped, he equips those he calls. So I have faith that he'll do the same to me so that I can serve him better.

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